
Have you ever noticed that you don’t appreciate something that works flawlessly? But once it is broken and pieced back together you can see with a whole new respect?

We take perfection for granted. Because we have nothing, really, to compare it to. So it works, no big deal? Isn’t that what it is supposed to do?

Take my iphone.  A few months ago I was carrying it around without its indestructible carrying case (dumb, I know) and it fell on some beveled concrete. And the glass screen shattered. In lots of little pieces.  (Literally I cut my finger on a shard.)

It was several weeks before I could replace the BROKEN glass. I grimaced as I used it for several days, the glass a reminder of my mistake. And when I finally got it repaired I had a whole new appreciation for the device. The glass screen was flawless. It was magical. Even though my iphone was no more perfect than before it was BROKEN, I had new appreciation for it.

Take my heart. It wasn’t until it was battered and bruised, until I sobbed gut-wrenching tears, that I truly began to appreciate something as simple as a deep painless breath.

Next time something breaks, as all things inevitably seem to do, I am going to try to look at it is an opportunity to appreciate it more fully once it is mended. And I am going to TRY to fully appreciate all the things that I are in working order that I take for granted.

Are there things in your life that you take for granted because they have never been broken?

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Lindsey has a sincere love for her precious dogs Molly and Maisy, a good red wine and the Delta Sky Club.

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