Go Ahead…Commit Me

Albert Einstein once said,

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

If this quote is accurate (and I am inclined to believe that it is), I’m insane. Sad, but true. Insane. Certifiable. Seriously, go ahead and lock me up.

I constantly find myself repeating behaviors and expecting different outcomes, only to bombarded with the inevitable.

  • I make New Year’s resolutions, only to feel like a complete and utter failure on January 2.
  • I expect too much of people, only to feel let down and unloved.
  • I buy loads of fresh produce at the grocery store, only to watch it spoil.
  • I want things, expensive things, only to feel dissatisfied once they are in my possession.
  • I live life trying to please others, only to find myself displeased.
  • I eat every one of the french fries on my plate, only to feel full, disgustingly full.
  • I am drawn into sin, only to be reminded that sin is…well as Pete Wilson put it yesterday…stupid.

I know…it is time to stop the insanity.

And I would say that I am never going to do any of these things ever again, but when I say things like that I am setting myself up for disaster. It’s as if I enjoy hitting my head against a wall, over and over. (I am insane after all.)

But I did join the 31 Day Challenge earlier this month with Cross Point.  And I am actively pursuing wisdom. Hopefully that’s a step in the right direction…

Am I alone in this, or are you a little insane too?

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Lindsey has a sincere love for her precious dogs Molly and Maisy, a good red wine and the Delta Sky Club.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.