My Greatest Offering

Today I met a child I sponsor through FH. His name is Kenenisa Negash Bune and he is 7 years old. Kenenisa lives in a rural community named Jido which is located in the Great Rift Valley, a community that because of its erratic rainfall {which we experienced firsthand} is one of the most food insecure areas in Ethiopia. The kids in Jido live in destitute conditions. Destitute conditions.

It was tough.

I have never seen anything like it. Ever.

While I have seen undeniable poverty, this was inescapable poverty. Everywhere you looked you saw kids with bright eyes and hopeful smiles, but kids that were obviously lacking the most basic of necessities. Many wore tattered t-shirts and well, nothing.

But that didn’t quelch their joy. Not an ounce of it.

They laughed. They danced. They sang. They fist-bumped {yeah, I just made fist-bump into a verb}. And they beamed with every second of attention and snap of camera.

It wasn’t us {let’s face it, we are a pretty rag-tag bunch at this point} that gave them the hope and the fortitude to combat their conditions and choose joy. It is what we represent. It is FH. It is the organization that walked alongside their community leaders and advocated for them. It is the organization that is ensuring that the kids in this community will be able to go to high school.

You see in September the first class of freshman will enter Jido High School. Previously any children who wanted to continue on with their schooling past the 8th grade had to go 27 km away, something that is both expensive and dangerous so few risked it. But not anymore, Kenenisa, his little sister, and his friends will have a high school to attend.

The community leaders in Jido credit FH. And they credit FH’s partners. People like you and me. But they quickly admit that there is more that needs to be done. Food remains scarce and their drinking water is unsafe.

One man said in closing, “God has made you to bring change here. Don’t leave us. Don’t forsake us.” Please join me in bringing change to the world, in bringing change to Ethiopia, in bringing change to Jido by sponsoring a child through Food for the Hungry. 

With every breath I breathe
With every song I sing
I want to shout it out
Lord I am listening
To every word You speak
I’ll go where You will lead
To love the least of these
My greatest offering – Spirit Speaks, All Sons & Daughters

Photos courtesy of David Molnar, Daniel White and my handy dandy iPhone.

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Lindsey has a sincere love for her precious dogs Molly and Maisy, a good red wine and the Delta Sky Club.

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