Lean On Me

My friend Anne Marie Miller has a new book out. It’s called Lean On Me and it’s about something that’s important to me…forming intentional, vulnerable and consistent community. In the age of social media and revolving homes and jobs, a life-giving and truth-telling community can be hard to pin down. But I believe it’s worth the fight.  (The […]

On Moving To Austin

As I type this, the movers are packing the contents of my house into cardboard boxes of all shapes and sizes and placing them like Jenga blocks into the back of a semi truck. Life as I know it is about to change…again. I’ve been talking about this move…for months, but oddly I’m still in […]

Here We Go Again…

Man, this one is a hard one to write and I’m not quite sure why. Maybe because somehow blogging about it makes it feel more real? Maybe because I know it will provoke questions I am not ready to answer? Maybe because I know some of your reading this should have heard it directly from me […]

War Zone

I wrote a post for Deeper Story about all the discord on the internet as of late. Hope you will go read it. I can’t find the discipline to look away. My eyes equally petrified and singularly drawn to the carnage. The wounded cast off to the side, screaming for acknowledgment of their lives and […]

Jesus Is Better

This might be the worst book review ever…mostly because the book {Jesus is Better Than You Imagined} was such an impactful read that I’ve already passed it along to a friend. So no I won’t be sharing all the quotes I underlined {and there were a lot} or all the incredible endorsements {and there were a […]

UNdoing Hatred

Everywhere I turn these days people seem to be perturbed, to be brimming over with anger, to be teetering on the edge of hatred. On the gridlocked roads. In crowded football stadiums. On the interwebs. We rage. We incite. We defend. And we all have our excuses about why our latest outrage is justifiable. WE […]

Combating Lies

I’m writing over at Deeper Story today.  A few weeks ago my friend Mary Demuth wrote a blog post where she bravely shared about a time when she felt small and awkward and a little bothersome. As I read the post, I bowed up for her. (I’m not much of a fighter for myself, but for my people […]

on singleness…

I am a pretty terrible blogger these days. And when I do write, it’s typically about the work I get to do around the world, or on my faith, or the Church. But I have strayed away from the tension-filled posts on living out a season I never dreamed for myself. But when your friends […]