
This morning at Cross Point, Pete Wilson talked about our greatest temptation as Christians. He said, “Our greatest temptation is not that which is ridiculously evil, but that which is deceptively good.” Oh, how that rings true in my life. Oh, how I seem to place too much importance on WHATEVER is going well in my life. […]

A Laundry List of Requests

One thing I love about Social Media is that it is an easy what to know what is going in people’s lives (not everything, but certainly the very good and the very bad tend to pop up). So you can kind of keep tabs on what to be praying for. I am sure you already […]

The Sin of Omission

Last week Pete Wilson posted on “Impression Management” what he calls “the process through which people try to control the impressions other people form of them. It’s a conscious or unconscious (but usually conscious)  attempt to influence the perceptions of other people through controlling information in social interaction.” I am pretty skilled in this. Not […]


Disclaimer: If you wanted something light and fluffy today, this post is not for you. But you can go here where we are discussing “guilty pleasures.” Disclaimer 2: If you wanted something that was poignant and tied up with a pretty bow, this post this blog is not for you. But you can go here […]

Drafting Blueprints, Part 3

This is the third post in my “Drafting Blueprints” series. The series is prompting me to think through what I want to do with my life as a first step for creating a life plan. I have already tackled getting married and getting fit. So here we go, Part 3…I want to get my hands […]

An Easy Way To Keep Track Of Your Favorite Blogs

Most of my “in real life” friends are not very into Social Media, Web 2.0, Blogging, Twitter, etc. Yep, they think I am kind of freaky, or more accurately geeky. But a few have even expressed interest in reading my blog but complain that they never know when I have posted something new. So…I thought […]

Convicting Questions

Have you ever sat in church and felt like your pastor, priest, or minister is speaking directly to you? Or actually that God is screaming at the top of His lungs at you through your pastor, priest, or minister? And instantly a gut-wrenching conviction bombards your soul. Unfortunately, I know this feeling all too well. […]