Prioritizing the Right People, Eve Annunziato

Today’s “Pruning” post is from Eve Annunziato. Eve works for Mercy Ministries as the Church Relations Director and is a close friend. She is wise about a lot of stuff, about parenting, about God, about pursuing your passions, but she is especially wise about relationships. So thankful to have her speaking into my life. Follow Eve […]

Confessions of a Recovering Commitment Junkie, Brad Ruggles

Today’s “Pruning” post is from Brad Ruggles. I have followed (gosh, sometimes that sounds so creepy) Brad for quite awhile, but finally met him last year at the Blogger’s Meetup before Catalyst (which he graciously organizes). Brad is one of the guys that has both passion and talent and uses is them to make a […]

Pruned, Amanda Jones

Today’s “Pruning” post is from Amanda Moore Jones. Amanda traveled with me to Guatemala on the Compassion Bloggers trip in September. We had an immediate connection over authentic Tex-Mex and J.D.’s Chippery cookies, and a forever connection after stepping out of our comfort zones together. Amanda has a gentle spirit but at first encounter you […]

Not Arriving, Justin Davis

Today’s “Pruning” post is from Justin Davis. Justin, his wife Trisha, and their three boys are such a blessing to me. They are a living testament to how God restores and redeems our brokenness. Through their ministry at Cross Point Bellevue and Refine Us, they teach others (like me) the power of authenticity, truth, and grace. Find […]

On Pruning

My Catalyst 3DM coaching group is studying Building a Discipling Culture by Mike Been and Steve Cockram and has spent the last few weeks talking about rhythms and pruning. I have found our discussions around pruning particularly enlightening. Here is what the huddle guide has to say on the topic. “Bearing fruit is the most […]

Living Biblically

I’ll admit it. This is sort of a cop-out on a blog post. After all I have already tweeted this Catalyst video from Catalyst TWICE. But I can not stop thinking about this message from Francis Chan. Catalyst East 2010: Francis Chan from Catalyst on Vimeo. And I am processing Francis’ questions. What is “weird”? […]

Online Community?

Today I’m guest posting over on (In)Courage. (In)Courage is one of the few blogs I get sent to my inbox every day. Some of my favorite writers, and friends, are regular contributors. And so I was extremely honored when they asked me to share something on the subject of Community for their anniversary. Some people […]

California: Haircut & Awkward Love

Saturday morning I flew out to sunny Southern California. I had been looking for a great excuse to escape the oppressive Tennessee heat and this really cool opportunity (more about that later) popped up at the last minutes to spend a couple of days with friends in Cali-forn-ia.  How could I say no to that? […]


Today I’m guest posting over on The Stubborn Servant. I met Nicole Unice through the world blogs and twitter. And when she sent me an email introducing herself further, we realized we had several mutual acquaintances. The world is so small. Nicole asked me to write on the word PLAN. So here’s what I came […]

Growing Pains

After a growth spurt (whether up or out), inevitably my clothes don’t fit in the same way. Sometimes they are too short, sometimes they are too tight, and sometimes they are just plain wonky. Most of the time I am too stubborn to accept my current reality. I naively stuff myself in, doing whatever it […]