A Little Something To Get You Going

I am in North Carolina for a few days with my parents, sister, brother-in-law, and nieces –  Macon, Anne Shelton, and Kate. Today we are heading to the beach. I can’t wait! I thought you might enjoy how we started our day yesterday. I love how kids start their day with loads of energy! My […]

32 and Single – Don't Judge Me Too Quickly

I might be biased but…these days it seems like television, movies, and literature portray thirty-something single women as either 1. glamorous party girls constantly moving between conquests or 2. whiny homely chicks who are immensely dissatisfied with their lives and can’t understand why they aren’t married. (Because they are a drag to be around, that’s […]

Finding Comfort in Tears

Yesterday was one of those days. One of those days where I was inexplicably in a dark mood. I felt anxious, lonely, tired, sad, and overwhelmed. The feelings crept up on me in the morning and by the afternoon they were inescapable. On the my way home I dialed Dad. He answered and was greeted […]

25 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me…Or Maybe You Did

1. I am related to George Washington. I know that everyone says that, but seriously I am. My mom’s maiden name is Washington and our family has one of his four pistols. 2. I used to plan all the special events for Books-A-Million and met a long list of famous authors and celebrities in that […]