Cyber-Stalking, Compassion Friends & A Giveaway

As soon as I was asked to go to Guatemala with Compassion International last fall, I began cyber-stalking the other bloggers have a better grasp of who would be on the trip. I’m no dummy, I understood that the other bloggers could make or break this experience.

Thankfully I already knew, or kind of knew, or virtually knew, Lisa-Jo. We had several mutual friends and had interacted online dozens of times. And I genuinely looked forward to meeting her in person. (I was not the slightest bit disappointed. Lisa-Jo is fantastic.)

So my real intensive research started with Amanda Jones. One peek at her family tree and I started worrying. Yes, the fact that she was raised by Beth Moore was more than a little intimidating. But I knew we had a Texas connection. And a Texas connection is a pretty powerful thing. I knew if she started throwing down some mad Bible study skills I could slip in a Mexican food reference and we’d be back to an area where both of us could exist comfortably. (Side note: Amanda Jones might just be one of the kindest, most welcoming people on the planet. I quickly learned we had a lot more than Texas in common.)

As soon as I convinced myself to get comfortable with the idea of Amanda,  I made my way to Ann Voskamp’s blog. And discovered this beautiful concoction of prose, pictures and music. (I know, I usually hate music on blogs too, but trust me, Ann’s music is oddly soothing.) As I delved into the content I began getting more and more concerned, “What could I possibly have in common with the wife of a Canadian farmer who home-schools her six kids and writes like a poet?”

“Dang. I’m in trouble. I am in so far over my head. What in the world was Shaun Groves thinking when he put me on this trip?”

I still am not sure.

But I can tell you this.

Ann Voskamp oozes Jesus. I am not the type of person who says things like, “So-and-so oozes Jesus” but every time I hear Ann Voskamp’s name I can’t help myself from awkwardly blurting it out. Because she simply oozes Jesus. I have never met someone who loves as fully, and vulnerably. I have never met someone who so purely desired to employ their talents (and boy does Ann Voskamp have talents) to glorify God. I have never met someone who could make an email of encouragement feel like a cherished Word from an angel among us. And I have never met someone who lived with such a intense posture of thankfulness.

I am pretty sure I could spend days following Ann Voskamp around and learning about what being Christlike looks like in the midst of opportunity, busyness, and struggle. But since I don’t have the luxury, I will simply have to soak Ann up by reading her book, One Thousand Gifts. I have started it two times and each time have felt nudged to share it with a friend or family member before I could finish it. (Seriously, it is that good.) But not this time, this copy is staying with me, forever.

Oh, and these 3 women and my friends at Compassion were the perfect traveling companions. But you knew that already.

I do have some copies to  share with you though, 15, in fact. If you would like to enter to win a copy of One Thousand Gifts, just leave a comment below about a person you know that just oozes Jesus. I will pick 15 random winners on Friday and notify them via email. UPDATE: ALL THE WINNERS HAVE BEEN SELECTED AND NOTIFIED. THANK YOU FOR THE TREMENDOUS RESPONSE.

PS – Compassion just announced their May trip to the Philippines. Be sure to be praying for and encouraging this amazing group of bloggers. I can’t wait to follow them to the Far East. So cool.

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Lindsey has a sincere love for her precious dogs Molly and Maisy, a good red wine and the Delta Sky Club.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

242 thoughts on “Cyber-Stalking, Compassion Friends & A Giveaway

  1. My 8 year-old, Claire, oozes Jesus. She has this intuitive sense of people’s needs. Even when she was a baby, she seemed to know who needed her attention or affection. She just lights up a room and engages everyone in it with that light. Fun kid to live with! : )

  2. His name is Josh. Whether he’s relaxing, playing, praying, teaching… his life is at once a challenge and an encouragement to others. He is selfless and lives only for the glory of God. His songs of pure worship lead others to effortlessly enter God’s presence. His life choices and his words reflect the beauty of Lord. Not long ago he spent six months backpacking through Asia, simply talking with people and telling them about Jesus… Everyone who talkes with Josh comes away with a touch of that shining light that can only be explained by one word: Jesus.

    • My dear friend Sarah from my church back in Kentucky. She is real, loving, kind, spirit-filled and oozes Jesus from every pore.

  3. Can I leave a comment without actually entering the contest (since I have a copy that’s already dog-eared and highlighted). But I had to say that you ooze joy, Lindsey. Joy and life and friendship and boy am I ever glad I got to travel along with you and that we keep bumping into each other on this journey of life.

    Big happy Wednesday hugs to you,

  4. It makes me feel better, knowing that somebody else cyber stalks people. I know two people that ooze Jesus. One is my friend Ben. He’s one of the pastors at our church (and you’ll meet him this weekend when we’re at IdeaCamp). I dont’ know how to describe him, other than that he gets the heart of Jesus. The other person is my friend Lance Humphreys. He can’t preach without me bawling. I’ve never met anybody so passionately in love with and so in absolute awe of Jesus. It’s inspiring.

  5. My friend Elyse absolutely oozes Jesus. She is always who comes to mind when I think of this. She converted from Judaism a few years ago and has stronger faith and lives out Jesus’ commands more than anyone I’ve ever encountered since I found my faith 4 years ago. Everyone she meets she loves and wants to let them know that they are loved. She is incredibly humble and gracious, and gives glory to God for all of her talents & accomplishments. I’ve seen her weep for people who are hurting, get incredibly pumped for people who find faith, and go out of her way to be God’s hands and feet. Her prayers are such genuine pleads that God use her for His will that I am always inspired when I hear her pray. I feel SO blessed to have her in my life, and look to her as an example of the kind of woman Jesus calls us to be.

  6. My grandmother, Grizzy, oozes Jesus. She’s put up with a lot–skin cancer, hoards of us kids and grandkids descending upon my grandparent’s tiny condo and staying on for months at a time, my grandfather… But though your average almost-80-year-old woman would probably have thrown up her hands in disgust by now, Grizzy is incredibly joyful. She just radiates with the love and peace of Jesus. Sometimes it just blows me away.

  7. My friend Jen. Her family is in the process of getting ready for a 2yr committment to serve as missionaries in Swaziland. I love her contagiousness! And grace 🙂

  8. My friend Cassi oozes Jesus in the completely intense, wildly beautiful, broken compassion sort of way. She FEELS the heart of Jesus, deep down inside, and you can’t be around her for more than a few minutes before she’s ministering to you with the love of Jesus all over her.

  9. I have been DYING to read this book, in fact, I have absolutely no idea why I haven’t ordered it yet! Maybe I’ll win a copy and then I won’t have to. 🙂

    Someone I know who oozes Jesus… my mentor, Denise. I’m almost certain I have never had a conversation with her where she didn’t mention the name of Jesus in a way that was both practical and profound. She is amazing.

  10. There is a lady at my church who oozes Jesus, she is constantly sharing verses and words of inspiration on her facebook as well 🙂

  11. Ann Voskamp oozes Jesus. I came across her blog on accident about 2 yrs ago. Jesus speaks through her words right into my heart & i find encouragement most of all i find that i am not alone in how broken i feel most times. I followed you girls over to Guatemala through Ann’s blog & I prayed & cried. I love her pictures and her music as well.

    Mary De Muth a Christian Writer author of “Thin Places” and “50 quick questions to get your kids talking”. Both books ooze Jesus. The 1st of forgiveness and the 2nd of LOVE & Laughter.
    My kids & I are really enjoying the 2nd book at dinner time together. It really does work, gets us talking & then laughing.

    Thank you Lindsey Nobles for this post & I pray i win Ann’s book ” One Thousand Gifts”.
    from Lucy Jennings (also @LuciJenn on TWITTER)

  12. My mother. My entire life has been spent watching her serve – our family, friends, churches, strangers. It’s as if she is incapable of passing by any need that she can possibly meet, no matter the effort or sacrifice it takes. Prayer is like breathing for her. She is one of the only people I know who does not compartmentalize her life, not even just a little bit. Her faith is a part of everything she says and does. I cannot think of her legacy without it invoking the image of Christ. So thankful.

    p.s. – I love that you *have* to say that every time one of us mentions Ann. 🙂

  13. It would be an easy cop out for me to post a Cross Point pastor but honestly, Blake Bergstrom oozes Jesus to me. It doesn’t matter when I see him or what he’s doing…I see Jesus when I see this man. He inspires me to love Jesus more.

  14. My aunt Charlotte just oozes Jesus! She was a missionary’s wife for many years in Trinidad/Tobago and then did work in Russia/Siberia. Her heart is truly sold out to Jesus and it is evident by her actions, thoughts and words. She has a true servant’s heart and her only goal in life is to be used by God in anyway He opens a door for her. She inspires me to strive harder in my walk with the Lord and take bigger leaps of faith. You can’t spend five minutes in her presence without being encouraged & uplifted.

    bamagv at aol dot com

  15. my friend Margaret oozes Jesus…and trust in what He is doing in her life through a host of difficult circumstances. i’d love to read Ann’s book…just haven’t gotten around to ordering it yet.

  16. I would have to say that my wife, Heather, oozes Jesus. She is extremely compassionate and loving. She is the most spiritual person I know. I’ll never understand how I ended up with her…

  17. A woman at my church, Mary-Helen Bosch, oozes Jesus. She’s not only willing to pray for me but follows-up to see how things turned out. She is awesome.

  18. My Mother in Law Rose oozes Jesus. She is a thoughtful listener, and gives sounds advice that always starts with “Well, the Bible says…” (:

  19. My other mother, aka my best friend from high school momma oozes Jesus. if it wasn’t for her and her daughter taking me to church for that first time in middle school I may still have been a lost soul that didn’t know Jesus at all. Her hubby oozes Jesus too, it is cute to watch them ooze together.

    I would love an opportunity to win a hard copy of this book!

  20. My friend, Lisa, oozes Jesus. It’s always such an encouragement to be around her. She’s a natural smile-er (you know what I mean right, she just is always smiling, always) Her demeanor is gentle yet she can be pretty persuasive. I’m always blessed to have been in her presense.

  21. My children’s 3 youth pastors ooze Jesus. They Love Jesus and they Love People. Our church is growing with youth. They are just over flowing with Jesus. Awesome People. It is running over into my 14 yr old daughter. God Bless Christians that are oozing JESUS! Love your sit!

  22. My church family oozes Jesus! I go to a small country church with quite a few elders. They are the prime example of love, discipline, grace, forgiveness, and truth. They care about the church and the children. They do all they can to support the youth of the church and to train them up in the ways of the Lord. The youth of the church are some of the greatest youth in town. I’ve worked with kids in the community and they don’t compare to the camaraderie these kids at church share. They have a heart for the kids at their schools and i think they portray Christ in their active little lives! Our pastor definitely oozes Jesus! He tender-hearted and so very caring. Even if he’s just met you, he instantly loves and cares for your well being. He brings a strong a true message each sunday morning and preaches from the heart to the heart! My church family is a family from young to old, staff to congregation. We welcome all and love each other just as Christ did. I’m so blessed to be apart of such a wonderful family!

  23. My friend Kristi oozes Jesus. I always appreciate getting her perspective on something I am grappling with. She truly understands grace and the concept of being saved by Jesus.

  24. My friend Debbie oozes Jesus. We can’t make it through a conversation without her tearing up over someone who needs Him. Time spent with Debbie leaves me feeling rested and loved. Her encouragement, wisdom and belief in me make me more like Jesus.

  25. My mom ozzes Jesus!! She is a woman after God’s own heart and it is extremely evident when you are around her… she is kind, caring, sensitive and has a contagious love for her heavenly Father!

    I would love to have a copy of the book!

  26. One of my middle school students oozes Jesus in a compassionate, confident way that is almost unnerving. When he knows what Jesus wants him to do, he does it, has a teachable spirit, reaches out to the less confident students and always has a smile and an encouraging word.

    He inspires me to be a better teacher and a more enthusiastic chaser of Jesus.

  27. My baby sister just oozes Jesus. Last Easter weekend she became a widow when her 38yr old hubby left this earth after a just 5mos of finding out he had cancer. It was not a “title” (widow) she would have ever expected nor would have imagined. BUT, just as her hubby read during his last months “Don’t Waste Your Cancer” by John Piper, she has opted not to “waste” being widowed…just a few months after his passing, she answered the call to share her testimony and has done so each and every time she is called. She oozes Jesus in her grief…reminding the rest of us that this isn’t all there is…we are to have eternal-mindsets. She oozes Jesus in her faith and encouragement. She oozes and imitates Jesus when with her intercession for others. Rather than wallowing in what might be justifiable sadness, she opts to choose joy each morning and seeks to bless others. She oozes Jesus with her 3 young children, when she reminds them that though their dad is not here with them, their Abba Father is ALWAYS present, always compassionate. I am her “big” sister and may have taught her how to color in the lines, how to play jacks, but she is teaching me today greater & lasting things by oozing Jesus.

    p.s. I went on a mission trip to Guatemala just last year (two months after my bro-in-law passed…with my sisters’ blessing and with her enthusiastic encouragement). It was an amazing time I will never forget. God bless those children in Guatemala.

    God bless you! Glad to find your blog!

  28. My 26 yr old daughter Ariane ~ she who (in Grade 2 had the insight to announce to her working parents) “if you leave me in this school one more year, I’ll have completely lost my innocence” ~ thus began our (successful–but mainly because of her innate self-discipline) home-schooling adventure.

    I bought Ann’s book on Friday to give to our ‘Ana’ for her birthday next week, but can’t put it down! an extra copy would be lovely

  29. My friend, Angela. She’s funny, fun, deep, insightful, calming, and when she speaks – I listen, because so often it’s a true-blue word from God.

  30. My boss, Chago, oozes Jesus. He is constantly pointing our staff to Christ and the work of the cross. He has pushed me to serve and love others in a way that only someone who was deeply in love with Christ can. The things he pushes me to do for Christ are always hard, but always right and rightly focused on Christ.

  31. My friend Sarah. Every time we talk she asks what God is teaching me and shares what she is learning. She’s a great friend to have. Keeping me accountable and challenging me.

    She sees each new face as a new opportunity to share God’s love.

  32. My daughter had a Sunday School Teacher when she was younger. Her name was Mimi. Everything she did was for Jesus. She taught my girl good habits when she was very young. I SO appreciate that God allowed Mimi to be a party of my girl’s young life!

  33. My friend Sara oozes Jesus. She has been through some of the toughest trials known to man (or woman) and she still has the grace and faith that God is good.

  34. My cousins are missionaries in Ethiopia and they are Jesus in skin. They have an incredible ministry working with the street kids and orphans where they build into these children the love of Jesus and the potential He has for them. They mentor them and teach them to overcome from where they are at and move forward. They teach them skills, do bible studies regularly, and have opened several homes for them to live in and live out what they are learning. I’ve also never seen anyone else who can truly “wait” on the Lord for every need. They are an amazing couple.

  35. My friend Cortney oozes Jesus. She is always compassionate and speaks the Truth in love to me, even when I don’t want to hear it.

  36. My dear friend, Ina, who now lives in TN because she and her husband retired. She is what Jesus is about to me, and as a younger woman, I admire her quiet and gentle spirit in Christ.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  37. My friend, Ruth, oozes Jesus. She has a servant’s heart and a gift of counsel and compassion. She is not afraid to speak hard things, in love. She is a beautiful woman.
    I love the phrase, “oozing Jesus.” what great imagery.
    and I would LOVE a copy of Ann’s new book : )

  38. ooooo I’m so excited hearing your view of your traveling buddies! Thats so stinkin cool to me.
    I met Ann and Lisa-Jo at last years Relevant and it was smashing. I’ve been about chomping at the bit to read Ann’s book.
    This is a lovely thing you’re doing, Lindsey

  39. our worship leader’s wife oozes Jesus. she makes everyone feel that they are valued, loved, and belong. and i do mean everyone.

    i’ve been wanting to participate in (in)courage’s book club with this book, but haven’t been able to spend the money to buy it. i would so love to win! thanks for the opportunity!

  40. My dearest mentor, Ina, who guided me through the earliest years of my adulthood and marriage, showed me what it was like to have lived a lifetime of oozing Jesus. What a great woman. One I was honored to know and spend those years with.

  41. Our daughter Alyssa oozes Jesus! She is a 20 yr. old married mother… and absolutely precious! She has always had an amazing walk with Jesus…even at a very young age! She is humble, prayerful, thoughtful and sweet. Thankful for the way she continually shines a huge spotlight on our Savior!

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